Friday, 19 February 2016

Build Ups not Put Downs

With our Buddy Class we made "Fortune Tellers" so that we could record "Build Ups" not "Put Downs" We made a list of "Encouraging" phrases.


  1. What a fabulous way to put build ups and not put downs into action! Excellent team work with your buddies showing our values of kindness, respect and responsibility!

  2. Lovely photos from your time with Room 2. What fun doing origami!

  3. Nice work with your buddies Room 24!

  4. What a lovely thing to do Room 24! I can't wait to hear you use your encouraging words!

  5. Hello Room 24 friends. Thank you for sharing your idea about 'build ups and not put downs'. This is a nice way to make everybody feel safe and happy at Sunnyhills School : ) Miss S
